Why Partner With Us.


Equity! Equity! Equity!

EJP is laser-focused on equity, diversity, inclusion, and belonging.  Other consultancies may include equity, diversity, inclusion and belonging as one of many foci, but this is EJP’s expertise and passion.

One-size does not fit all.

School systems are unique. While the skeletal components may be similar, the political environment, community profile, demographics, and internal talent can vary widely from system to system. What works in one situation does not necessarily translate to a success story in another environment. EJP customizes each engagement to match our services to the needs of each school partner’s unique equity journey. Effective engagements require mindful design,  not a standard packaged product.

It’s about the people.

No matter how amazingly well-crafted a recommendation is, it is of no value if it cannot be implemented. Talent is the engine that moves systems. A partnership with EJP looks very different from the traditional consultant engagement. We believe it is our responsibility to leave our partners stronger, more capable at the end of the engagement than at the outset. Too often on-point recommendations by consultants fail because the internal capacity to implement is insufficient.  Building the capacity of responsible staff is incorporated into the design of how we work with our partners. Our job is to make our services obsolete for our partners.

Problems are complex; solutions do not happen in isolation. 

Rarely does improvement happen in isolation. School systems are complex, composed of a multitude of interrelated functions. A siloed approach to improvement often results in unintended consequences that can subvert the original intention. We approach each engagement with a wide-angle lens to ensure direct and indirect consequences are taken into consideration. Our unique collaborative network also allows us to draw on former and current practitioners from many different areas, allowing EJP the flexibility to serve the unique needs of each partner with experienced professionals.

It does take a village. 

We don’t have all the answers.  As practitioners we know that some of the best ideas are found right in the system or school community, waiting to be teased out and nurtured. EJP prides itself on an inclusive approach to issue-solving. We bring our experience and knowledge of best practices to the table, but we also bring our ears. Mindful listening and collaboration lead to sustainable solutions.

Maximum value.  

We understand that public resources are precious and spending wisely is imperative. Consistent with that knowledge, we are not a traditional consulting firm with layers of employees and a supporting structure; we are a collaborative of consultants who have joined together in our passion for improving public education.  The collaborative structure allows us to keep overhead low and deliver maximum value to our client.